Monday, May 13, 2024

Feast of Matthias

 Feast of Matthias

Liverpool, one of the famous English Premier League teams has a consistent strategy for their winning.  They are known for sending last-minute substitutes in the football game. The best players like Harvey Elliot, Neymar, Ibrahimovic and Salah used to sit on the benches and watch the game until 70-80 minutes. When they enter into the field, all the other players are almost tired. The statistics tell that this kind of last-minute substitute players score many goals. 

Matthias is also like the last-minute substitution player who was chosen to be the apostle at the last moment by lot. Why? Knowing the will of God through lots was a Jewish custom. The Apostles wanted to retain the original number of followers of Jesus to 12, in continuation with the understanding of the Church as the New Israel. at the last moment, Matthias entered into the field and became the twelfth apostle.

What are the lessons for us?

(a) Everyone of us can become an apostle. It is enough that you wait for your opportunity. He was not in the list of other disciples who had not seen Jesus, who were not called by him, and who did not follow him during his earthly ministry. Matthias represents every one of us – Being called an apostle means being raised to the level of a friend. 

(b) Do not blame attitude - but wait for your opportunity and grab it and perform well. Events happen to us in life. At times, events are out of our control. We should not lament about the situation and spend time worrying about it, rather We need to accept the events not as occurrences but as our responsibilities. We have to wait for the opportunity and perform the best in this opportunity. Matthias did not blame for Judas, neither the early community, but focus on someone who would perform the rest of the works of Jesus. 

(c) Jesus says to his apostles, “I have loved you, chosen you, and appointed you.” The initiative is from God. Allowing the initiatives of God to take their place in our lives demands surrender and obedience.

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