Sunday, October 6, 2024

Our Lady of Rosary

Have you seen any rosary beads without the cross? It would be strange to wear the rosary without the cross. We start the Holy Rosary with the cross and conclude with the cross. 

They tell the whole history of salvation is located between the images of two trees; the tree of knowledge that is found in the book of Genesis. The cross is made up of a wooden tree. 

The reason why Jesus died on a cross or a tree is that, in the very beginning, man stole from the tree, God put back on the tree for you and me to undo everything that was done in the beginning.

His hands are pierced because our hands stole from the tree.

Right his side is pierced because Eve came from the side, so he is making atonement for Eve one who led into temptation.     

Beautiful the role of the Mother beneath the cross, By her Yes and surrender, Jesus can accomplish salvation.  This moment of surrender is one of the mysteries we meditate on in the Rosary. 

Every time we recite the Rosary, we pray for the whole of humanity including the Church. The Rosary too brings us into this communal spirit of prayer, linking us with the Church around the world and throughout history. It reminds us that we are never alone in our prayers. Mary’s example teaches us that prayer is not just about speaking to God but about listening, discerning, and surrendering to His will.

Our Lady of Rosary (2024):

1. The rosary is a powerful prayer: 

it has been called the preparation for contemplation and the prayer of saints. While the hands and lips are occupied with the prayers (it can and should be prayed silently when necessary so as not to disturb others), the mind meditates on the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption represented by the decades. Not only movement of lips, manalangin mo kami makasalanan, mga intention of the holy rosary, Pope requests you to pray, intentions of Santo padre, “Say the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world” (Our Lady of Fátima). “Among all the devotions approved by the Church none has been so favored by so many miracles as the devotion of the Most Holy Rosary” (Pope Pius IX). Miraculous rosary, Lourdes, Family rosary is an important, “How beautiful is the family that recites the Rosary every evening” (Pope John Paul II).

2. Rosary is a powerful weapon to fight against evil: 

Fight against satan, many call exorcists, exorcists prefer to carry rosary and crucifix, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) and many other saints and popes have called it “a glorious weapon against Satan.” So, when we pray the rosary we join our will with her will and with the will of millions of others who also pray the rosary. A  kind of spiritual chain is established, involving millions of Catholics all joined together in prayer, linking our wills with the will of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all of us saying to God, “Thy Will be Done.”

This corporate act of the will establishes a powerful presence in the world and acts as a spiritual buffer and antidote to the poison of evil.

3. The Rosary is an instrument to reach heaven:

It can save you from going to Hell. After death, we can either go to Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory. But Hell, sadly, is the most tragic truth of suffering souls. Mary promises that if you pray the Rosary, she will help you become pure and holy so that you go to heaven.

A priest whom I know met with an accident, before going to ICU, wanted to carry the rosary, some keep it near the pillow, some dead bodies have the rosary in their hand, 

Historical Event: 
For the people of that time, there was absolutely no doubt that the victory at Lepanto had been the direct result of the intercession of the Blessed Virgin and her rosary. Saint Pope Pius V was so convinced that Our Lady's intercession had brought victory. He wished that the victory should be liturgically celebrated wonderfully throughout the catholic word every year. 

In March of 1572, Pope Pius V instituted the annual feast of our Lady of Victory, directing that it be celebrated every year on October 7, remembering the Battle of Lepanto. He didn't' stop there, though. In a document titled Salvatoris Domini, he granted a plenary indulgence to all those who, in addition to the feast of Mary. This annual commemoration became known as "Rosary Sunday". Religious communities tended to refer to it as the Toties Quoties, which literally means "as often as", deriving from the number of plenary indulgences that could be gained on that day "as often as" a person fulfilled the conditions. However, the most common title used for the indulgence was to call it the "Great Pardon of the Rosary". For centuries, this indulgence was one of the most ample indulgences ever offered by the Church. 

Initially, the Plenary indulgence for Rosary Sunday was only granted to members of the Confraternity of the Rosary, but it was later extended to all the faithful. The indulgence was praised and confirmed by many subsequent popes in official documents, including Pope Innocent XI in Nuper pro parte. 

The condition for gaining the indulgence consisted of the following: A catholic had to visit a Dominican church with a rosary altar anytime from 2 p.m. on the Saturday preceding the feast until sundown on Rosary Sunday; pray for the intentions of the Holy Father during each visit; and go to confession and receive Holy Communion. 

Thanks to Donald H. Calloway

Our Lady of Lourdes
Feb 11
Bernadette Soubirous was 14 years old when she received the first apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes on February 11, 1858.

The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to children are significant in Catholic tradition because they emphasize themes of faith, prayer, repentance, and devotion, often conveyed through the innocence and purity of children. Some of the most famous Marian apparitions to children include:
1. Our Lady of Fátima (1917, Portugal) – Mary appeared to three shepherd children (Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta), 
2. Our Lady of La Salette (1846, France) – Mary appeared to two shepherd children, Melanie and Maximin, 
3. Our Lady of Guadalupe to Saint Juan Diego, an indigenous man of the Chichimeca people, on December 9–12, 1531, in Tepeyac Hill (modern-day Mexico City, Mexico).

Why Did Mary Appear to Children? Not to Bishops, Priests, lay official men,
1. Innocence and Purity – Children are often seen as humble, open-hearted, and less influenced by skepticism, making them ideal messengers.
2. Faith and Trust – Their simplicity allows them to believe and convey messages without distortion or personal agenda.
3. A Call to All People – Messages given to children emphasize that holiness is accessible to everyone, not just religious leaders.

2. Mother is asking her to pray for the sinners. She reveals her name immaculate. 
The apparition of lacrimation refers to cases where statues or images of the Blessed Virgin Mary (or sometimes Jesus) are reported to shed tears, including human-like tears, blood, or oil. These events are often interpreted as a sign of Mary’s sorrow for humanity’s sins or as a call to prayer, repentance, and conversion.
Famous Cases of Marian Lacrimation:
1. Our Lady of Syracuse (1953, Italy) – A small plaster image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the home of a couple, Antonina and Angelo Iannuso, was seen shedding human tears. The Church later confirmed the phenomenon.
2. Our Lady of Akita (1973, Japan) – A wooden statue of the Virgin Mary reportedly wept 101 times in the presence of witnesses. 

According to messages associated with weeping statues, Mary cries because of:
• The sins of humanity (violence, loss of faith, immorality)
• Lack of prayer and devotion
• War, suffering, and disasters
• Disrespect for the Eucharist
• A call for repentance and conversion

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