Wednesday, March 8, 2023


If you are one of the Jeepney passengers in the Philippines, you will not be indifferent to the suffering of the Jeepney drivers at this moment. More than 100,000 drivers launched a national strike against govt plans to provide new Jeepneys. A Jeepney driver says, “Govt is indifferent to our livelihood."

The theme for today is indifference or carelessness toward the other and it is visible in today's readings. We are called to be sympathetic, concerned and helpful to the other who is living next to us. As human beings we are responsible for others, we can not give God the irresponsible answer of Cain, "am I guardian of my brother?" 

1. The parable tells vividly the amount of wealth that separates the rich man from Lazzarus. Apart from this wealth, there is also Lazzarus' experience of suffering that has to be noted; Lazzarus body was full of sores, even dogs were licking his sores. The rich man was indifferent to the pain of Lazzarus all his lifetime. (In Old Testament, chronic diseases were considered cursing. Society had a lot of rules of isolation for the sick person because they wanted to care the society. In the parable of the good samaritan also, the two persons passed by on the other side being indifferent to the suffering of the other). 

Remember! physical suffering in this world is temporary suffering. Death puts an end to this. What the rich man was experiencing today in hell is "eternal torment". We need to show solidarity with the suffering ones in our temporary life. Solidarity is not merely a question of helping others, but it is more than that - it is a matter of justice.

2. The rich man and Lazarus had one thing in common. Both were Jews. Both were sons of Abraham. According to Torah, one Israelite should help another Israelite. In a special way, he should be concerned with the poor and abandoned. In this case, he disobeyed Torah also. He did not even concern his own family member. Charity begins at home. People who need our help are all around us. If our vision is focused on wealth, fame and power we may not care about them. 

3. Everyone should make this reflection, "Who is poor for you?". We may help the poor persons generously. But with what attitude? The rich man did not even have concerns about the poor Lazzarus in the next world. He argues with Abraham to send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool his tongue. In his mind, Lazzarus  is still a slave, a work that he could command at any time and by whom he should be obeyed. The first reading is opening our eyes in regard to this. God is God. The poor are not God for you, we should treat him equally so that we identify Jesus in then. For Jesus said, "whatsoever you do to the least ones, you do to me" (Mt 25). In today's first reading, God curses the people who put their trust in human beings. We can share our love with the people, and we can help and feed them, but we cannot believe them, we can only believe in God. 

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