Saturday, January 6, 2024

Feast of the Presentation

 Every religion has its own important doctrines and principles. Judaism also has its own rites. It was evident in the book of the Torah. Some rules and laws in Torah seem to us meaningless but they were considered divine. I can give you a lot of examples. For example, we find this law in the book of Exodus, the LORD said to Moses, “Consecrate to Me every firstborn male. The firstborn from every womb among the Israelites belongs to Me, both of man and beast.”

Questions come to our mind: Why the firstborn male? People in ancient cultures had this tradition that the eldest son was endowed with a lot of benefits for the Jewish family. The firstborn male was important because he was the “opener of the womb” (Exodus 13:2, 12, 15; Numbers 18:15; Luke 2:23). During birth, the firstborn son would become the primary heir of the family. The child who comes out first from the womb is dedicated to God, carrying God’s grace. The question arises: does it mean the families with feminine children do not have their share of grace? 

God himself favored the younger sons in the Bible (Abel, Jacob and Joseph). The elder sons were considered important for the Israelite family even though they were often wicked and cunning (Cain and Esau). But the Israelites had this strong and long belief the elder sons were consecrated to the temple of God as an expiation of sin. The particular rigid law becomes meaningless when time and culture pass one over the other. 

1. Obedience to God's law will bring wisdom:

Mary and Joseph, the poor parents of Jesus also obeyed to this strong/rigid law of the Israel people even though the law itself was not perfect. Here I offer my first message on the day of the presentation of the Lord. Obedience to God's law brings wisdom because through that you purify your will. God is operating there even though it is imperfect. 

Jesus’ parents though poor, clearly received preannounced the arrival of Messiah through Simeon who said that the child would be “a sign of contradiction,” and saviour of the people of Israel: To liberate them, he will divide. Yet the parents obeyed to the law of consecration because through it God would operate His plan. 

Today disobedience becomes a fashion. A prisoner was giving an interview, about his truck crash in Speedway saying, "I just wanted to disobey". Obedience from the heart produces authentic freedom in consecrated life. The hearts of Joseph and Mary wanted to obey to the law of the Lord through the sacrifice of their son in the image of doves for the Lord. There is a close Hebrew meaning behind the words "Sacrifice" and "Consecrate". The word sacrifice comes from two Latin words put together: sacer ("sacred") and facere ("to make or do"). Thus, sacrifice literally means "to make sacred." "The Lord transforms obedience into wisdom with the action of his Holy Spirit, When we sacrifice what the Lord asks, we are making our lives sacred by our actions—as  the Savior did, in whose holy house we are worshipping when we covenant to offer sacrifices in His name and for His kingdom

2. Child Jesus connects the past and future: 

For sure, all our communities are composed of elderly persons, some carrying pre-Vatican II experiences. Their role and presence are important in our communities. Simeon was an old man, nearing the day of death, carrying the child Jesus and announcing the prophecy of Messiah. Correctly predicting the presence of Messiah for the others. They tell almost 100 to 150 children were being brought to the temple of Jerusalem every day in those times. How could Simeon identify the presence of Messiah in the poor parents? We hear a proverb, "You don't choose a book, the book chose you". Simeon did not recognize Jesus, the Child recognized Simeon. Simeon carries the child. He understands his temporary existence. "Now, Lord, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation". The world will give us pleasure and increase our longing to acquire and live. 

Our beautiful and strong instrument is Hope: From Isaiah, Malachi, the last prophet (of OT), and Simeon before the last moment to touch the child Jesus, all the prophets experienced this instrument. Let us hopefully celebrate this Feast that all the religious people will consecrate their hearts to the Lord. 

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