What is the Type Scene? Type Scene is a kind of literary technique that many ancient authors used in their literature. They used in works where the particular scene has the same feature or pattern all over his works. For example, the films of James Cameroon have some garden-type scenes. There was a recent study on type seen and they discovered in the bible there are a number of type-scenes present; betrothal-type scenes, dream type-scenes, banquet type-scenes and et cetera. Annunciation is one of the type scene event.
If the authors wanted to narrate the story of a legend, they speak about the nation which was under slavery and people were suffering, God choose a poor family and there is a barren lady in that family. The angel of God was sent to her and announces god's message about the birth of a legend, initially, she does not receive the message then she receives and the birth takes place. This is called the annunciation type seen in the bible.
There are three annunciation-type scenes: The birth of Samson, the birth of John the Baptist and the birth of Jesus. There are many similarities between these three, but Mary's YES was unique and different compared to other scenes. Manoah's wife (mother of Samson) had also pronounced yes but a different kind that of criticizing and demanding YES. He was dependent to Manoah, her husband. Zachariah did not tell yes directly but with the heart of a high priest. But Mary had the heart of the humble immaculate lady. innocent question. God wants us to express our honesty. God with hold the heart of a priest of a Leader Be simple and fight your ego every day.
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