The usual question of the students; Adam and Eve had only two Sons; Cain and Abel. Abel was killed. How come the generation grew with the only presence of Cain?. It does not mean that there was only one society living after their exit from the Garden. God would send providence every time according to the need.
The theme of the Fourth chapter of Genesis is the first murder takes place in humanity, Abel was killed by his own brother, and he gave the reason it was God. He was pleased with the offering of Abel, not Cain. Cain becomes jealous. Jealousy leads to anger, and anger leads to murder.
In the time the book of Genesis was written, there were two traditions, agricultural and shepherd traditions, that were living nearby, and they had tension among them. Cain was working on the land, and Abel was taking care of the sheep. Even the priestly tradition was part of the Shepherdic tradition because the Priestly/Leviticus tradition believed that blood offerings were pleased to God,
God is warning Cain, that sin is a demon lurking at the door: his urge is toward you, yet you can be his master» You can control the demon.
Cain killed Abel in the field, in his land, supposed to be his agricultural land, leaving his blood on the land.
God says, «What have you done! Listen: your brother’s blood cries out to me from the soil! Therefore you shall be banned from the soil that opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.
In Hebrew damim means, blood in the plural, the bloods of your brother, whenever you take away a life, you become responsible for all the blood of humanity, because You are insulting the one who gave his breath, created life,
In all the ethnic traditions, murder is the gravest sin.
Sin alienates us—from God, from others, and ourselves.
The most violent year was the time of Jesus, the war between Jews and Romans many poor people were killed.
Time of Herod, many children’s blood was thrown down, and women were killed, according to historians,
Jesus says no sign will be given to the generation that wage a war.
Yet, God does not abandon him. Instead, He places a sign on Cain—not as a punishment, but as a mark of protection. This shows that even after sin, God’s mercy remains.
If you don’t end the war, the war will end us, In war, there is no winner, we are all losers.
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