1. Act of intimacy/closeness/passionate relationship:
Foot washing always was considered as an act of humility, because in the Jewish culture, it was the work of the slaves/household to wash the feet of the guests before the meals. But more than this traditional interpretation there is a recent interpretation by modern scholars, the washing of the feet is one of the important gestures through which Jesus shows intimate passion with the disciples. (Who else in the scripture, washed the feet of Jesus?) In Lk 7, it was a public meal where scribes and Pharisees were at the table. Jesus’ feet is washed by a prostitute, (while Jn 13, she was Mary, sister of Lazarus) sitting behind Jesus with her hair unbound, brought a flask of an expensive perfume, weeping she began to wet his feet with her tears, washes his feet and wiped them with the hair, and kissed his feet. (Lk 7:37-38)
The scene of the evangelist Luke is like an adult’s only movie. The woman with hair unbound is unthinkable in the common places. Because the Head covering was the biblical rule, not only in the synagogue but also in the common gatherings. Even in Talmud, the rabbis define hair as sexually erotic (ervah) and prohibit men from praying in sight of a woman’s hair. That is why you can never see a Jewish woman publicly dissolve her hair in public. According to the Semitic law, a woman can lose her hair unbound only in two cases, if she is a prostitute or she can only do it when she is having intimate relationship between a man and a woman. It shows the strong intimacy between Jesus and that woman.
The event of woman washing the feet of Jesus was big scandal for the scribes, not because Jesus was found with the woman. Because, It is a deeply passionate sign between two people in intimacy. She is touching the feet of a master, all the more she is kissing one of the sensible part of the body, feet.
Here in Jn 13, Jesus performs the washing of the feet to reveal an intimacy with the disciples before the passion and death. Here the relationship is singular, reciprocal and profound.
2. It is a gesture of service:
According to the synoptic, Jesus is in Jerusalem (upper room) for the Passover meal. Usually when you attend the Passover meal, you should dress well, the disciples are dressed well in their best. But Jesus removed his outer robe/garment, and wore a towel at his waist. A dress of humiliation on the day of Pass over meal.
Jesus rose from supper, removed his outer garments, and took a towel. Then he poured water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which he was girded. (Jn 13:4-5) the same transitional verbs are repeated by Lk 10, in the Good Samaritan, He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; then he set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. (Lk 10:34). (water & basin – wine /oil, wipes with a towel – wraps the bounds) Jesus in a sense not only washing the feet, but healing the hearts of the disciples against egoism and individualism. There are many similarities in the exegetical analysis of both the passages.
Why towel? To wipe out the legs wet. Jesus could carry very well on the shoulder? Why to wrap it around the waist? Wrapping it around his waist: it is very typical and symbolic visible sign of the attitude of the service. (the first time, “after the sin of first parents, their eyes were opened, they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves around the waist and made themselves aprons. (Gen 3:7). After the sin the parents felt they lost the divinity, they enter into the world of work and suffer. … You tie anything on your hips that is an attitude of the service is also. You are ready to do something. Peter does not understand what his teacher does.
Once again, typical narration of John, Jesus is speaking metaphorically, whilst Peter is taking him literally, just as Nicodemus and Samaritan (Jn 3.4). till now the words of Jesus were misunderstood, but for the first time action of Jesus is misunderstood by Peter.
- That which I am doing, You do not know (oida) now
- but you will know (gnose) after these things. (Jn 13:7 NJB)
- you do not know now, you will realize after the passion, death and resurrection.
During the miraculous fishing scene? The disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, 'It is the Lord.' At once, Simon Peter tied his outer garment around him (for he had nothing on) and jumped into the water. (Jn 21:7) Peter hardly knows that it was the Lord, he wraps his garment around his hip, and threw himself into the sea. (Jn 21: 7). Peter does not understand him before the passion, during the passion; He understands it only after the resurrection. You cannot understand the importance of the washing of the feet of your neighbor unless you encounter the passion, death of our Lord Jesus. Peter denied Jesus, wept bitterly and then participated in the passion. He looked at the death (empty tomb), felt the resurrection. Now it is time to serve.
Jesus is recalling the language of ‘having a bath’ refers three kinds of bath. One is the common practice of bathing before a meal. Second one is Jewish ritual washing, in a mikveh, which was then adapted to the Christian practice of baptism. Bath by head is the must one for all the Christians. The disciples were baptized. The third one is a necessary baptism, bath by feet (Saint Augustine and Cyprian associate). During the bath by head, you are regenerated in the Church. During the bath by feet, you participate in a communion, purifying. In fact, unless we allow Jesus to wash our feet, we cannot wash the feet of others. Jesus is the source of eternal water, washes your head, and feet.
3. It is a gesture of communion: “If I do not wash you, you have no part in me”. In the Gospel of John, the washing of the feet is a symbol of perfect communion and full sharing. So it is not enough to simply follow, but we enter into a relationship of sharing (you also ought to wash one another's feet). It is a service aimed at communion cannot be closed in itself. We become a family who wash their feet one and all.
Why Peter? Peter was embarrassed, one thing he did not leave Jesus to wash his feet, out of respect. Just before this scene in the Gospels, the disciples had been arguing about who was the greatest disciple. In an atmosphere of competing for power, position and importance it was hardly likely that any of them would do such a lowly task as wash each others’ feet. No doubt they would have wanted to wash Jesus' feet but not each others, unless, of course, for a special friend. But Jesus moved to wash each one of their feet. (It is easy to wash the leper’s feet, but difficult to wash your superior’s feet)
There is a communion without any preference. Jesus had a preference for 2 disciples (Peter and John). But this preference is not closed or exclusive in the washing of the feet. He does not wash the feet only of the disciples, but also at the feet of Judas, a friend who betrays and at the feet of Peter who will betray him shortly. The most visible sign of the washing of the feet is the perfect communion. Look at the logo; Jesus is looking at the feet without looking at the face, while Peter looks nothing but the face of Jesus. Our religious style of service is without looking at the volt of preference. He washed them preferring, preferred them without excluding.
There is a difference between the Christian community and the social services and volunteers doing charity. Here is the difference, doing charity in communion. It is not necessary to be disciples of Jesus to serve others. The term communion comes from the term 'koinos' which means impure. Communion comes from the impure. The communion is nothing but the contamination (removing socks, touching the feet and washing). It is not a holy act, or pure act. How can we purify ourselves? By contaminating, purify yourselves. but purifies by contaminating oneself. A purification communion is not the process from purification to the communion process from communion to purification. To have communion not with gloves, but to enter the relationship without reserve, compromise. A communion is capable of not contaminating sin.
Washing of the feet is a Eucharistic gesture: The establishment of the Eucharist does not exist in the Gospel of John. (Because the last supper event gives meaning to the early Church, the Sacrament of Eucharist becomes fundamental for the Church and its life). God does not break himself in the bread, but he breaks himself at the table. While John does not tell the words of Jesus during the dinner, but he tells the Eucharist in action. It expresses what it says Eucharist. Jesus took bread, and blessed, gave thanks, and broke it, and gave to them, and said, Take and eat it: this is my body.
Eucharistic table is the table of the word, but the washing of the feet is the table of charity. Eucharist is the mystery of transubstantiation (words of the celebrant). Both are no different. They are deeply related, one is reflected in the other. One can be seen in the other. One cannot be seen without the other. The non-separation between the Eucharist and charity. The Words of Jesus in the Mass; "This is my body given for you, this is my bloodshed for you." Kneeling is necessary for the veneration. But kneeling is indispensable for the washing of the feet. The body of Christ is an ecclesial body. Real communion. Worship and service are not separated rather they are one and the other linked closely. The Church has struck in between because of few scandals, but it is a call to move from worship to service, to move from service to worship. To take the Eucharist seriously is to begin to wash the feet of others, especially the feet of the poor. The Eucharist invites us to step down from pride, away from self-interest, to turn the mantel of privilege into the apron of service.
John would respond with two means, love of God and love of neighbor. If anyone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. (1Jn 4:20). Love for God passes through love of neighbor. Which is more important? According to John, both are important. Love for God is the engine for the other. Eucharist and basin /towel are the same.
In the ecclesial horizon/context, the most identifying characteristic of the Church, is the Service. The in this gesture should recognize herself. Not only the Church, but any charism chosen by the Church must follow the ecclesial model. Peter will do the same gesture after the resurrection right in the ecclesial horizon and he who wraps the towel and throws himself into the water towards the risen Jesus and collects a huge network of fish. This means the content of the ecclesial collection.
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