Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Trusting in God’s Guidance

Saint Teresa of Kolkata, Memorial

1 Corinthians 3:18-23. Luke 5:1-11

We all have our limited experiences – experiences of hitting the wall, reaching the dead end, and touching the bottom of the well. In such circumstances, we are called to look up to God and trust God’s guidance. Today’s readings offer us profound lessons on the importance of trusting God’s guidance over our understanding. They remind us that true wisdom and fulfilment come from following God’s direction, even when it challenges our human reasoning.

1. The Wisdom of God vs. The Wisdom of the World

In the first reading (1 Corinthians 3:18-23), St. Paul warns us not to be deceived by the wisdom of this world. He challenges the Corinthians – and us – to become “fools” in the eyes of the world so that we may be truly wise in God’s eyes. The world often values intelligence, status, and self-reliance, but Paul reminds us that these can be stumbling blocks if they lead us away from trusting in God.

Trusting in God’s guidance means recognizing that His wisdom surpasses our own. It requires humility, acknowledging that our human understanding is limited and that God’s ways are higher than ours. By surrendering our pride and relying on God’s wisdom, we open ourselves to His divine plan, which ultimately leads to true wisdom and life.

2. Obedience Even When It Doesn’t Make Sense

The gospel reading (Luke 5:1-11) illustrates the power of trusting in God’s guidance through the story of Peter and the miraculous catch of fish. After a night of fruitless fishing, Peter is tired and skeptical when Jesus tells him to lower the nets again. Yet, despite his doubts, Peter obeys Jesus’ command and is rewarded with an overwhelming catch.

This passage teaches us that trust in God often requires us to act in faith, even when His instructions seem illogical or contrary to our own experiences. Peter might have thought how come a carpenter order a fisherman! Peter’s obedience, despite his initial hesitation, demonstrates the blessing that comes from trusting in Jesus’ word. We are reminded that God sees beyond our circumstances and knows what is best for us. Our role is to trust and obey, even when it’s difficult or doesn’t make sense.

3. God’s Guidance Leads to Abundance and Mission

Finally, both readings show us that trusting in God’s guidance leads to abundance and a deeper sense of mission. In Luke 5:10, after witnessing the miracle, Peter is called by Jesus to become a “fisher of men.” Peter’s willingness to trust Jesus not only results in a miraculous catch of fish but also in a new calling that will change his life forever.

Similarly, when we trust in God’s guidance, we experience His blessings in ways we might not have imagined. But more than that, we are often called to participate in His work in the world. Trusting in God opens us to His purpose for our lives, leading us to serve Him and others in ways that bring true fulfilment and joy.

Reflection on Mother Teresa

As we consider the theme of trusting in God’s guidance, we can look to the example of St. Teresa of Kolkata, known affectionately as Mother Teresa, whose memory we recall today. Her life was a witness to radical trust in God’s will, even in the face of doubt, hardship, and inner darkness. Despite the challenges she faced, Mother Teresa continued to follow God’s guidance in serving the poorest of the poor, believing that each act of love and service was a response to God’s call. Her legacy teaches us that trusting in God’s guidance often leads us to a life of profound impact, even in the most humble and hidden ways.

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