Thu, 6 July 2023
Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time: Gen 22:1-19. Mt 9:1-8.
There are many researches done on the sacrifice of Isaac in Mount Moriah on Gen 22 and the sacrifice of Jesus in Calvary. Both are the beloved sons of their Father, Father himself voluntarily accompanies the child to Mount Moriah and Calvary.
1. Hagar and Ishmael left the house of Abraham. Now, Abraham has only Isaac. God orders Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering – which means at the end of the sacrifice only ashes will remain. Abraham travels with his servants, and Isaac to the mountain which God showed. Abraham might have said to himself that it was a trial or a test not for him, but for God. For, if Isaac is killed God’s promise would go in vain. He was very firm. The only person who was confused was Isaac. Isaac asks, ‘Where is the object for the offering?’ The object itself asks about the object. But Abraham responds, "God himself will provide a sheep for the burnt offering. His Faith was simple like a child, but strong.
In our life, we worry too much about problems and crises. Remember this is not our plan or project. It is God's plan. He has chosen, called and promised us always. Why to worry? Let us trust God like Abraham trusted Him even at the moment of the big trial.
God is fulfilling His promises. But Abraham is part of humanity, we are not able to fulfil our promises. We need to listen carefully to God. «Both of you stay here with the donkey, while the boy and I go on over yonder. We will worship and then come back to you». But Abraham comes alone. It is a test for Abraham. But it is also a test for God, God gave his promise in previous chapters, I will make a descendant of Israel. God promised Abraham that He would make a great nation out of him. Many descendants. God promised to bless Abraham and the families of the earth through him.
God wants to take care of humanity. He called you, he promised you, He will save you, no worries! Even though he asks you for the precious treasure of your life, he can send a sheep from the corner of that mountain and save you. We need to experience this love of the father who can keep his promise at any time.
Abraham knows that Isaac is alive, but the servants do not know. They saw Abraham was alone coming from Moriah, Abraham had a simple but strong trust in God. His answer to Isaac, where is the sheep for the burnt offering?». «Son», Abraham answered, «God himself will provide the sheep for the burnt offering» The servants had a payment trust. Abraham’s position was delicate. What will he answer to Sarah, what will happen to his dream/that he trusts simply without any conditions?
2. In the gospel reading, Jesus gave a healing to the paralytic man looking at the faith of the people who took the bed and entered the house. Jesus is strange here, he does not enquire about the personal intention of the sick man, "Do you want to be healed?" Our faith is not always individual, but also community oriented. Jesus heals and gives not only physical ailment but also spiritual ailment, the sins. The scribes who witness this are confused. They murmur against Jesus. The scribes too were paralysed in their hearts. At the end, the person laid on the cot is healed. He carries the cot and walks back home. The others are still laid on their cots – crippled in their minds and hearts! The person who is seen by Jesus is healed.
3. In the first reading Isaac was laid on the wood. In the second reading the paralytic was laid on the cot. Both are restored by God, and Son of God respectively. The Lord will see not only on the mountain, but also on the plains. What must we do then? Should we be lying on the cot? No. Even when we are laid on the wood or cot may our eyes be on God. For, since God sees us, he cares for us!
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