Monday, May 8, 2023


Tuesday, 9 May 2023 / Fifth Week of Easter / Acts 14:5-18. John 14:21-26.

Henri J. Nouwen, while talking about the spirituality of a diocesan priest, uses the expression ‘wounded healer.’ He reflects that every priest who is a healer at the confessional or in a counseling session is wounded himself; however, he heals others. And since he himself is injured he is able to feel with the wounded.

In the first reading, violence is perpetuated on Paul; he was dragged out of the town and stoned by the crowd cruelly. People leave him half-dead. Paul, the wounded apostle, later, Paul rises to join Barnabas and returns to Antioch where he will encourage the believers who are persecuted. Paul sets aside his own sufferings and offers consolation to the suffering. Paul becomes a wounded healer.
In the gospel reading, Jesus promises peace to his disciples. At every Holy Mass, we recall this event. Jesus, all along his life, experienced different peace-less circumstances; he was wounded at the cross, scourging at the pillar, and crucified by the soldiers. Since Jesus has experienced anxieties and tribulations he knows the value of peace. Jesus is a wounded healer as well.
We all are wounded healers in our homes, workplaces, churches, and society. Though our wounds are still hurting, we extend our hands to heal others.

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