Sunday, September 11, 2022


1 Cor 11: 17-26/ Lk 7:1-10

The readings invite us to have unity in Christ. It is not important our social or racial or religious provenance. Both rich and poor, Romans and Jews, Greek should have same aim; Being one in Jesus. 

This was not easy for the early Church. There were many heresies existing to divide the unity in Christ. In the first reading st. Paul invites to share same bread and wine, with love for the others. 

In the Gospel, we see the unity, and not disunity as in the prodigal son, when the centurion sends his Jewish friends to invite Jesus. They share the same faith and hope in Messiah.

But the faith of the centurion goes beyond. He makes another step. We often base our faith on something that we see or hear or touch like st. Thomas who was stubborn for a whole week.

The centurion first invites Jesus to come, but his faith undergoes the transformation of perfection when he sends his messangers again, for the second time, to stop Jesus from coming. 

He believes unconditionally. No need that Jesus steps into his house.

We are invited to this faith. Faith without touch or eyes. Only with ears and heart. The faith of Shema, heart, strength and mind. The original faith of Isreal that Jesus praises. 

 Faith, you see, is about change. Its goal and experience are to be changed for the good in heart, soul, mind, and life. The journey of faith is in its essence a journey of transformation. We are changed into the spirit and life with God and of God. I try to open my own heart to the ways that God is changing my perspectives and attitudes about life. It is sometimes wonderful, sometimes challenging, and more often than not, surprising.

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