Friday, January 31, 2025

Jesus calms the storm (Mark 4: 35-41

Mark 4: 35-41

In today’s Gospel passage, we read about Jesus calming the storm. When we look at the Gospel passage in the context of Mark’s Gospel, the section of parables ends and here begins the section of miracles (signs or wonders). 

There are three types of miracles (healing miracles, exorcism miracles and miracles over nature). This extraordinary miracle and mighty act indicates that Jesus had power over nature. 

Moreover, this passage can also be taken as a parable. Jesus sleeps here. This is the only place where it is mentioned Jesus slept, another place, Jesus rested for a while. In this case, Jesus sleeps with a pillow. Natutulog si Hesus na may u’nan. ‘Sleep’ refers to ‘death’ or ‘absence’. After Jesus’ death or ascension, Mark’s community faces many problems. Their boat ride was not pleasant. They felt the absence of God. Through this incident, Mark encourages his community. Sino sa inyo ang nakasakay sa bangka? Jesus still cares for us even when he has left us (and has fallen asleep). We can face any adversity in His presence (and absence).

A) Continue to travel, not to stop: At the beginning of the Gospel passage, sinabi ni Jesus sa mga alagad, “Tumawid tayo sa ibayo.” “Let us go across to the other side.” Jesus invites the disciples to be always in movement. With care, he leads them there. When we become frozen by life’s events, Jesus invites us to “go across to the other side.” We must get up often and go to the other side. Keep moving forward, successful people do not have time to worry,  

The first reading gives an example of not worrying, but putting faith in God, the best model is Abraham. Isaac is questioning the father, “The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together. Let us continue to travel, God will provide on his part, he will not abandon us, Keep moving forward, successful people do not have time to worry,  

b. In their fear, the disciples cry out: ‘Teacher, we are about to die!’ what should we do? the young man in the Gospel was asking different in Mark 10:17, ‘Lord, we are going to live! What should I do?’ both are life but different levels, There is no place for death in God’s presence. PUSJ members, Lord help us to prepare for death, Mark says that there was a great storm and brings before us two situations: one, the peaceful situation. In that situation, Jesus is sleeping with a pillow in the boat. The second is the opposite, fear situation. The disciples are terrified and frightened. “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” They see Jesus as just a teacher (Rabbi). Here we see the concern of Jesus. First, he makes the storm calm. Then he gives hope to his disciples. First, he removes their painful situation. 

Jesus gets up and rebukes the sea. ‘Peace, be still!” is the formula for exorcism rebuke. Jesus calms the sea with the same words. Because, for the Jewish people, the sea was considered a place of demons. Jesus continues to rebuke his disciples: ‘Why are you afraid? Do you still not believe?’ Jesus rebukes them for their lack of faith. That is, they refused to believe that they could not die when Jesus was with them. This is their lack of trust. These questions were not asked just by looking at the disciples. Each of us who reads this text is asked. You and I must answer these two questions individually. The answer to the question, “Who sleeps in a boat and rebukes the wind?” depends on the answer we give.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Mark 1:29-39

Continuous temptation!

We think Jesus was tempted only in the desert. After healing Simon’s mother-in-law and many others, Simon and the others interrupt His prayer with an urgent plea: “Everyone is looking for you!” They invite Him to stay where He is, among those who already appreciate His presence and miracles. This scenario highlights a subtle but powerful temptation: to remain in the comfort of the familiar.

1. The temptation to stay in the familiar:

“Everyone is looking for you!” – the disciples’ words sound both flattering and reassuring. It’s always tempting to remain in places where people already know us, congratulate us, love us, and applaud what we do—be with like-minded people. I did regency in GH, mabait sila, I want to remain with them, But Jesus discerns that this can become a snare, keeping Him from His larger mission.

Jesus responds, “Let us go on to the neighboring towns (Tyre and Sidon, synogogues), so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.” His answer shows He refuses to settle for popularity or comfort. Instead, He looks to the larger horizon of God’s will.

Avoid risks: In economics, there’s a principle called the “loss aversion fallacy.” We naturally avoid risks because losing something we have feels worse than the joy of gaining something new. Spiritually, this manifests when we fear stepping into the unknown or giving up our comfortable routines—even if doing so could bring greater fruit or deeper union with God.

We see this “loss aversion” in the parable of the talents (cf. Mt 25:14–30). The third servant buries his talent rather than risking it. He clings to the security of keeping what he has—yet he ends up losing it anyway. In our own lives, how often do we bury our gifts and remain in spiritual comfort zones simply because we are afraid of what lies beyond?

3. Jesus the High Priest: merciful and faithful

The first reading (cf. Heb 2:14–18) reminds us that Jesus, our High Priest, was like us “in every respect,” tempted as we are, yet without sin. He was merciful to the people He served and faithful to God’s plan. That faithful obedience required constant discernment—choosing the Father’s will over human praise or personal comfort.

Summing up, Jesus knew the subtle temptation of settling in a place where people cheered for Him. He overcame it by choosing the Father’s mission over personal comfort. As our merciful and faithful High Priest, He understands our own struggles with fear and complacency. Today, let us ask for the grace to follow Him into the unknown—beyond our routines, beyond our fears—trusting that God’s plans far surpass any temporary comfort we might cling to. Then, like Jesus, we will fulfil our true calling and experience the joy of doing the Father’s will.

Monday, January 13, 2025

New Teaching with authority

New Teaching with authority in Today's Gospel Mk 1:21-28;  

Today's Church needs a new way of evangelization according to the needs of the modern and present church. The Popes of different times published different texts according to the issues and problems of their time. The Jubilee year asks for a new way of teaching. 

Teaching with learning; sharing thoughts, teaching without speaking, teaching through actions, testimonies, the limit of giving a sermon in 7-10 minutes, 

Teaching puts attention on the word of God, not our own way of exhibiting ourselves, scribes teaching focused on their respect, Jesus’ name of Jesus, glorify, when i was in USA, when i was in francis, when i met Pope, 

Teaching keeps the sin away: the common enemy is the sin not individuals,